Setup Local Kubernetes on Mac

A tutorial about how to setup a local k8s cluster on MacOS for development.

Setting local k8s environment with docker-desktop

  1. Install Docker on Mac with this instruction, latest version of docker embedded native support for Kubernetes.
  2. Start docker, once started, you’ll see Docker is running and Kubernetes is running.
  3. Ensure Kubernetes is started with docker-for-desktop option, select from docker -> Kubernetes-> docker-for-desktop.
  4. Set kubectl’s context to docker-for-desktop
    kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop

    otherwise, kubectl will not be able to connect to the local cluster.

  5. Install k8s dashboard,
    kubectl apply -f -v=8
  6. Check pod status
    kubectl get pod --namespace=kube-system | grep dashboard
    kubernetes-dashboard-669f9bbd46-p4f7c        1/1       Running   1          1h
  7. Access dashboard
    kubectl proxy
    # URL
  8. Login with ACL
    kubectl -n kube-system get secret
    kubectl -n kube-system describe secrets kubernetes-dashboard-token-tf6n8


  1. Delete dashboard service
    kubectl delete -f